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Provocation in the heart of Moscow Art as the new power

МИР- МИРУ- FRIEDE at the Red Square, Moscow, Russia, March 31 2018

On the eve of the celebration of the anniversary of the Second World War, one of the biggest holidays in Russia, the activists from the Austrian art-label XXXXi̶s̶m̶ TOSHAIN/ MAKOWSKY/ CEEH publish the information about the performance they have recently executed right on the Red Square - they stood with provocative slogans for peace! Ten people dressed in civilian clothes with armored vests arranged in a row just a few minutes before being arrested. On the vests with invisible paint, specified later by the organizers as a special military paint used only in the United States, artists from various conflict spots around the world share their messages for peace. The hidden texts can only be seen through a dedicated infrared device. Among them are slogans like “GO BOMB YOURSELF” by the Afghanistan artist Ammanulah Mojadidi, "HE KILLS ME, HE KILLS ME NOT" by Parastou Forouhar from Iran, whose parents were killed by the regime, the Russian artist and activist persecuted and living in the United States fighting for the rights of homosexuals, Slava Mogutin with "LOST BOYS", the German artist Olaf Nicolai and his "KEINE HEIMAT (I have no Homeland)", the american artist Lawrence Weiner "HERE TODAY, HERE TOMORROW" and others.



XXXXi̶s̶m̶ TOSHAIN/MAKOWSKY/CEEH presented the anti-war performance “МИР – МИРУ – FRIEDE” in cooperation with MOTA -Museum in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, Slovenia, at 15th of dezember during the opening of the exhibition "The War", which showed internationally acclaimed authors and works by Otto Dix.

Press: Fluxus Fire – Total Art Lighter 1

FUCKi̶s̶m̶ Toshain & Ceeh at PROCESS TERMINUS, Art Encounters 2017, Romania

Process terminus starts from the premise that destruction is in itself creativity, and the performative act that implies the physical action necessary for reducing the chosen work to its zero moment is, in fact, constructive. Sandwich assumes the role of an art sanitarium and applies an ecology of ideas. Not only it encourages the destruction of things that are no longer desired, but offers space for new projects, it liberates and creates support for new concepts. Moreover, the project discusses attachment and renouncement to one's own ideas, images, objects.

Guerilla Poster Exhibition in the public space of Tel Aviv (Israel)

“Fluxus Fire -Тотальный Огонь. Total Art Lighter 1” at Soho in Ottakring

Als Höhepunkt ihrer diskursiven Auseinandersetzung lässt das Art-label FXXXi̶s̶m̶TOSHAIN/CEEH eine Kunst-Betrieb und Ausstellungs-Strukturen kritische performative Happening-Aktion durchführen, im Rahmen welcher das Künstlerinnen-Duo ihr Kunst-Archiv öffentlich verbrennt.

Guerilla Poster Exhibition in the public space of Iași (Romania) and Chișinău (Moldova)

Interview with DJ Pangburn for VICE Creators, U.S.

VICE Creators (U.S.): Troops in Riot Gear Deliver a Hidden Message in Venice

“Our XXXXismTMC peace-forces are conceived to act everywhere and every time without being announced in advance,” they say. “The [Venice] crowd loved the piece. A lot of people commented that it was one of the best works seen at the Biennale, [and] most of them didn’t know it was guerilla and ‘illegal,’ so to speak.”

57th Biennale di Venezia -“МИР – МИРУ – FRIEDE“ Performance Protagonists

57th Biennale di Venezia: “МИР – МИРУ – FRIEDE” – Guerrilla Performance

MOTA – MUSEUM ON TOUR AUSTRIA, developed as a hybrid between museum and artwork, presents “МИР – МИРУ – FRIEDE” in cooperation with the art-label XXXXi̶s̶m̶TOSHAIN/ MAKOWSKY/ CEEH (Sofia – Vienna – St. Petersburg).
The collective has set themselves the goal of sending out a message of peace to the world and has invited a number of international artists to create a slogan - among them Lawrence Weiner, Olaf Nicolai, Parastou Forouhar and Kendell Geers.

Guerilla Poster Exhibition in the public space of General Luna (Siargao, Philippines) and Hong Kong (China)

FUCKi̶s̶m̶ Toshain/ Ceeh @ TRANSPARENT BORDERS, Centre “Red”, Moscow

The radical representation of this conflict is enhanced in the “FUCKi̶s̶m̶” manifesto by Anna Ceeh and Iv Toshain - a sincere call to reject all the different brands, tags, and autonyms and to initiate independent artistic activities outside the existing institutional rules and procedures.

МИР – МИРУ – FRIEDE – on the pulse around the globe!

Go Bomb Yourself! I Filet Magazine


On the first day of summer, anti-war artists Toshain/ Makowsky/ Ceeh, performed their work at MOTA, ‘Museum on Tour’, Austria. Their performance was titled : МИР : МИРУ : FRIEDE and mirrored the venerable artistic culture contributed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Gustav Klimt, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Falco.

Various international artists, ranging from Austria, Germany, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, USA, South Africa, and Russia were invited to present a slogan on the topic of “world peace”. Each statement was printed onto T-shirts which could only be viewed with night vision devices. We got in contact with these Viennese Austrian actionists in order to get a commentary on their project.

MOTA – MUSEUM ON TOUR AUSTRIA presents XXXXi̶s̶m̶ Toshain / Makowsky / Ceeh Performance in Vienna

MOTA - Museum On Tour Austria, developed as a hybrid between museum and art work, is showing "МИР - МИРУ - FRIEDE": a performance series at the city public spaces by the art label XXXXi̶s̶m̶ TMC.
Focusing on the ongoing International crises, shifts in religious and political power as well as armed confrontations, the collective has set themselves the goal of sending out a message of peace to the world. The messages are written on T-shirts worn by soldiers and can only be seen with a night-vision device. Experience it - how the moving immaterial art space appears!

Artmagazine: Humor statt Verbissenheit, Interview by Werner Rodlauer

"Aber wir sabotieren uns auch permanent und gerne selbst. Feminismus ist schön
und gut, aber es gibt noch so viele weitereThemen wie Krieg, Politik, Rassismus – man kann sich als Frau doch nicht nur über Feminismus äußern. Das wäre eine Selbstbeschneidung..."

Filet Magazine I Love Sex, Hate Sexism!

Другое прышэсце венскіх арт-анархістак Anna Ceeh і Iv Toshain на менскія выставачныя пляцоўкі адбудзецца сёння на заводзе «Гарызонт» у межах квір-фэсту «Больш, чым ЯНА».

FXXXXi̶s̶m̶ TOSHAIN / CEEH at More than SHE, Dotyk, Minsk / Belarus

"Першая спроба пазнаёміць беларусаў з праектам FEMINi̶s̶m̶TC: ПРЕЙЪР скончылася трагічна. На трэці дзень постэры з выказваннямі сусветна вядомых мастакоў былі выдаленыя з выставы Anatomia (у ЦСИ на Някрасава), пасля таго, як дух клясыка сацрэалізма Міхася Савіцкага пачаў чыніць розныя тэхнічныя і псіхічныя перашкоды знаходжанню працаў у ягоным былым лаундж-руме, дзе ён любіў аддавацца медытацыі пасля кантактаў з брутальнымі беларускімі рэаліямі. Ёсць надзея, што з другой спробы наша арт-абшчэсьцьвеннасць зацэніць пасланне замежных зорак у поўным аб’ёме і ў больш спрыяльных варунках...

SAW II, undercover show, Vienna, Dec. 14

Varoufakis Acts – We Act

"Varoufakis, dem eine künstlerische Grandezza nie abgesprochen werden konnte, biss in seinem Vortrag heftig in die Hand, die ihn füttert und beleidigte gezielt die Veranstalter. Er erklärte die Kunst in Europa für scheintot und griff die Kuratoren an (Nicolaus Schafhausen, Bart De Baere, Defne Ayas) , die ihn nach Moskau eingeladen hatten. Die Musik, die Kunst, sogar das Theater, führte er aus, litten unter der Dominanz des Marktes. Die sich auch darin äussere, dass postmodernistische Kuratoren – wohlverstanden gesponsert aus den Taschen der Grossfinanz (der Sponsor der Biennale ist eine baltische Bank) – Ökonomen als Redner an Kunstanlässe einlüden. Also ihn."

Selfie by Paula Temple with a FUCKi̶s̶m̶ Toshain / Ceeh T- Shirt”, Berlin 2015